Meet your 2nd Grade Team
Monday, January 6, 2025
Good Morning Families......Happy New Year!!
We hope that everyone had a beautiful and restful winter break. It's hard to believe it's 2025!
Half of our school year is already over. Time is truly flying by us.
As we begin this new year, we will be getting ready for winter activities and projects. We are beginning Wonders Unit 2 Week 4 this week.
This week our class will be focusing on the ways that animal babies are like their parents. Your child will compare how babies and parents are the same and how they are different.
Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing.
Word Workout
Words to Know: multiple-meaning words You and your child will make a book about animals and their babies. Your child will write each vocabulary word on a piece of paper, along with a sentence that uses the word. Then your child will illustrate each page to make a book.
Spelling/Phonics: consonant digraphs You and your child will choose words from the list, spell them, and think of other words that have the same beginning or ending sounds. This week’s words contain the beginning sounds of ch-, sh-, ph-, th-, and wh-, and the ending sounds of -tch, -sh, and -ing.
Please have your child continue with their Black History Research Disk. They will be presenting them for a speaking grade.
Have a beautiful day,
With Smiles,
The Second Grade Team
Upcoming Events this month:
Monday, 1/6- Minimum day dismissal
Friday, 1/10- Progress reports available for online viewing. NUPS (Notice of Unsatisfactory Progress letters go home (if applicable)Monday, 1/20- No School
Friday, 1/24- School Spirit Day- Disney attire!
Monday, 1/27-1/31- Kindness Week!
Wednesday, 1/29- Parent Engagemet Night for ELA and Math 5:30-6:30 pm
Friday, 1/31- Non Student Day
PBIS Store Donations
Our students are earning their PBIS reward points when demonstrating responsibility, safety, respect, and cooperation. Students will have their first shopping days in September. If you would like to donate to our PBIS Store please check out our Amazon wish list
Back to School Night Presentation
Homework Assignments
Reading : Your student should be reading at least 20 minutes daily.
Math: Please check your student's weekly reading log for our assigned daily math homework pages.
Phonics/Vocab: Please use the HW menu to practice spelling words and vocabulary words.
Projects/Events: See your child’s weekly HW log for any upcoming projects or events.
*Please see following link with directions on how to print Math HW pages at home :) How to print Math HW at home
Other Resources
If you would like to practice additional math and ELA concepts with your child at home here are some helpful websites for you to use :) Just click on the "Additional Resource" tab and it will bring you to our Etiwanda home page where these resources are located. Students only their need username to login to most.
-GO! Math {Think Central}
-I-ready App lessons
Useful Links for Staff Members
At-A-Glance Calendar | Tech Platform Review - Request Form | All Student Programs
Aeries Office | Aeries Teacher | Annual Staff Notifications | WorkForce | Ellevation
School Messenger | Reviewed Platform List