Etiwanda Excellence in Education Foundation
The Etiwanda Excellence in Education Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization founded in 2005 by dedicated educators, parents and business professionals who clearly recognize the need to support education in Etiwanda.
ESD Child Care Program
The Etiwanda School District PLUS Before and After School Child Care program provides quality care in a safe and nurturing environment for school-aged children.
ESD Library Resources Parent Page
This page provides links to a wealth of web resources for students.
ESD Library Resources Search Engines
This page provides links to friendly, safe search engines for kids.
ESD Library Resources Student page
This page provides links to a wealth of web resources for parents.
ESD Library Resources Textbook Links
This page provides links to all district-adopted textbooks. Elementary: Language Arts: Houghton Mifflin, Math: Sadlier-Oxford, Science: Houghton Mifflin, Social Studies: Harcourt.
Website resource portal designed for parents in support of internet safety, child safety, homework help, and virtual field trips.
5000 Collegiate Words with Brief Definitions
This is a great site for review of vocabulary words commonly used in testing.
Ask Jeeves for Kids
This site offers free homework help for students.
Atomic Learning
Online tutorials for many popular software applications. Many are free of charge very user-friendly!
BBC Schools link, sponsored by the BBC in Great Britain
This site offers enrichment and remediation activities for students including math practice for secondary students, and what, where, why for primary students.
Browsealoud is a subscription service that reads webpages aloud. The target audience are learners with visual impairment, but it is also great for reinforcing struggling readers.
California Department of Education
This site is sponsored by the California Department of Education. It focuses on needs of family, school and community.
Discovery School
This site offers a wide variety of learning tools and helpful hints for parents, students, and teachers.
Discovery School parent link
This is the parent help site linked to Discovery School.
Free Rice has an addictive vocabulary game along with several other educational games. Plus, for each answer you get right, 20 grains of rice are donated through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger.
This site offers a variety of quizzes and games that reinforce skills learned during the school day.
Game Goo - Educational Games for Literacy
Interactive games include recognizing letters and sounds, following instructions, sentence word order, synonyms and antonyms, and poetry.
I Know That
This site offers learning reinforcement activities for Kindergarten - 6th grade in core content areas. It includes activities of the day, videos, and many other interactive options.
Links to sites that support Standard based lessons and State assessed areas. Site lists are organized first by grade level, then subject and finally by specific standard. Although the particular standards used are NOT California state standards, finding a comparable standard is not difficult. If you would prefer to view the site lists organized by skill to be learned, click on "Reinforcement Skills (Original Page)" under your grade level.
Learn to Read at Starfall
ABCs sound, movies, reading readiness activities for young students or at home including, chunk that word.
Mr. Dowling
This site offers virtual tours and photographs of primary artifacts. The content focuses on Social Studies for students in grades 6-8.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
The site is hosted by the University of Utah and provides virtual manipulatives for students from Kindergarten through Grade 12. Manipulatives are created for each of the major strands of Mathematics, including Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis and Probability.
PBS Kids
This site is a portal to websites for educational shows aired on PBS. Sites include Mr. Rogers, Barney, Sesame Street, and many others.
ProQuest K-12
This site offers free homework help and e-library resources for students.
A great site for teaching reading and reinforcement strategies for struggling readers of all ages. The online comic book creator is a wonderful resource for getting students excited about writing.
Sadlier-Oxford Family Center
Sadlier-Oxford's family help website.
This site offers a variety of research and help tools for parents, students and teachers.
Sheppard Software
This website contains an abundance of educational games across all subject areas, which are all free to play. Try identifying all 50 states in the Geography section.
Primarily designed for first grade, Starfall is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade. With a focus on fundamental reading skills, this site offers several interactive games, which students have found both enjoyable and beneficial.
Summit Intermediate Schools Bands
This is Mr. Peske's band website and contains information pertinent to 5th grade band students. Younger students interested in band might find it useful as well.
Teacher Web
This site contains teacher-created class web informational web pages.
Visual Thesaurus
The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus with an innovative display that encourages exploration and learning.
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